Agile vs. Lean vs. Design Sprints - Which approach is best for product development?

September 30, 2021

Agile vs. Lean vs. Design Sprints - Which approach is best for product development?

Product development is a fast-paced industry, and it is essential to have an efficient way of getting a product out there. Agile, Lean, and Design Sprints are among the most widely used approaches to product development.

While all three approaches have the same goal of delivering a product quickly, they have their unique differences. It can be challenging to know which approach is the best for your product development project. In this blog post, we'll explore the main differences between Agile, Lean, and Design Sprints to help you choose the best option for your project.

What is Agile Development?

Agile Development is a methodology that prioritizes flexibility, rapid iteration, and customer collaboration. It's based on the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes continuous improvement and feedback. Agile is widely used in software development, but it can be applied to any project.

Agile is favored by developers and project managers because it allows flexibility and adjustments based on customer feedback. It's also suited for larger projects where there are many moving parts.

What is Lean Development?

Lean Development is a methodology that prioritizes efficiency, continuous improvement, and minimizing waste. It's based on Lean manufacturing principles, which were first developed by Toyota in Japan in the 1930s. In software development, Lean focuses on reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and delivering high-quality products quickly.

Lean is favored by startups and small teams because it's particularly well-suited to projects with limited resources or tight timelines. It emphasizes speed and eliminates unnecessary steps in the development process.

What are Design Sprints?

Design Sprints are a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. They are a contemporary process that can help teams gather feedback and make quick decisions.

Design Sprints are particularly suited to startups and small teams looking to test product ideas quickly, iterate on feedback, and reduce risk.

Comparison: Agile vs. Lean vs. Design Sprints

Methodology Strengths Weaknesses
Agile Flexibility, Rapid iterations, Customer feedback Complex for smaller projects
Lean Efficiency, Minimizes waste, High-quality products quickly Not designed for large projects
Design Sprints Fast and low-risk testing, Quick decision-making May not address all project needs

From the comparison above, we can see that each approach has its unique strengths and weaknesses.

If your project is large and requires flexibility, Agile may be the best approach as it allows for adjustments based on feedback. On the other hand, if your project is smaller with limited resources, Lean may be your best option as it reduces waste and increases efficiency.

If you're a startup or a small team looking to test an idea quickly and reduce risks, then Design Sprints are for you.


In conclusion, choosing the best approach between Agile, Lean, and Design Sprints for product development can be challenging. The best approach depends on the specific needs of your project.

Agile is suited for larger projects that require flexibility, Lean is for smaller projects with limited resources, and Design Sprints are for startups and small teams looking to test ideas and reduce risks.

Whichever approach you choose, remember to prioritize speed, quality, and customer feedback.


  1. Agile Manifesto -
  2. Lean Development Principles -
  3. Design Sprint Process Guide -

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